I have come to realise that, Love is a tad overrated these days. Yes it is. People use the word so frequently that it has lost its meaning in most cases. However, Methinks there is still hope for True love but none beats the one Jesus portrayed on the cross for a poor wretched sinner like me. For me that is the ultimate love story.
Jesus died for us sinners on the cross. In the bible,John 3:16 stated that for God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son, that who so ever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. (Pay attention to the word ''ONLY'') This verse in the bible pretty much summed up the crucifixion of Jesus.
Of all my 20 something years i have never known of a love so real and so true that someone will lay their lives for me, but Jesus did it for me on the cross and i am grateful. I know so many people look forward to Easter and still oblivious to the reason for the season. The reason for Easter is the celebration that Christ rose from the grave on the third day thereby giving Christians hope for the future. It's all good to mount your kites, go on several trips and plan which clubs would be playing the latest banger but please know the reason for the celebration and refuse to be ignorant when knowledge is available.
Jesus Christ was not only crucified, he was mocked, spat on,ridiculed, beaten and asked to carry his own cross ( that cross signifies our sins ). In the process he fell three times, with a crown of thorns on his head and hands were pierced with nails and hanged on the cross to die. All this he did so you and i can have eternal life. Now do you know of anyone that will go through such torture for you? Do you really? If you ask me i don't know of anyone that will sacrifice their lives for me...nope no one! And to be honest, i haven't seen the person i am going to die for yet. Is it even happening??
If you see that person please tell him/her i want an autograph before they die!
This brings me to the point that, if Jesus who was the son of God was talked about, ridiculed and whipped for no reason at all, who am i to loose sleep when humans talk evil of me or provoke me? Who am i? This just encouraged me and teaches me to turn a blind eye and don't give them the time of the day. A lot of us wants the glory but without the crown. Through Jesus' journey, i learnt that for glory to arise, one must carry the crown. That way you will learn to appreciate whatever the glory brings because you went through blood and sweat to achieve it. Nowadays we see people doing anything within their possible means to achieve, no one wants to work for it, no one want to wait for their time. It might surprise you but anything you haven't worked for will not last and you will never appreciates its true value. We all can pick a leaf out of the story of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, there is a lot to be learnt.
With that, i hope everyone had a lovely and blessed Easter. Mine was quietly spent with the family and we later went out for some Chinese (My favourite Cuisine)
One question that have been puzzling me....What does Easter has to do with eggs and bunnies?
Please enlighten me. :)
Till then..xoxo
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