Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Mid Week Inspiration

My Lovely people, hope you all are keeping well.

Just a quick not that i haven't abandoned my baby (blog)'s just that i have some life changing happenings in my life but I will definitely keep you updated pretty soon.

Looking back at how my past 2 weeks have been filled with all sorts, it inspired me in a way that brought about this phrase.

''Life is like a tea spoon of sugar, just when you think you got it all in the cup....It spills everywhere,making it almost impossible to get it all back in the tea cup.''

For me, that sums up life. Sometimes we think we have everything covered and under control so we get comfortable and then life gives us a slap from the back of our head .....a wake up call!
Sometimes its just to say WAKE UP! Other times its just to gives us hope and remind us that all is not lost, Sometimes its just to say I hope you have LEARNT your lesson. Or it might just be to CHEER us up and remind us not to be too hard on ourselves ....with that i just want to add that every now and again we have to look in the mirror and appreciate the person we see on there. Applaud yourself,tap yourself on the shoulder and whisper to yourself ''WELL DONE''!!

This has nothing to do with arrogance or pride, this is taking care of yourself, if you don't who will or how will you look after someone else?

This little light of Mine,
i'm gonna let it shine...

With that my lovely friends i say Good Night and you have the best week ever! ( What's stopping you?)
Go on and make it happen.


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